Why are men so ignored and looked down on when it comes to unhealthy relationships?
At what rank do ppl start paying attention to what's happening around the map?
2025 Snow White comps?
Opponent supp follows me in my jungle all game, what do ?
My Nikke burn out
A Gift From Poli (by @yuzushouko_)
Can Yi solo carry in plat-emerald?
I don't understand gacha players, do they want powercreep or not?
I’m just gonna say it…the tourists are coming.
champs who generally take grasp, what do they take in jg?
Better genhsin burst animation according to me @dqkeita
The notes said they left a cash tip by the door.
loser queue is not real it cannot hurt you
anyone know when the 3rd person mode is coming?
can one for all users give the powers back and forth to each other?
Name two things about this movie
is it worth to do this?
you get a million dollars right now but hitler is revived as a 20 year old
Accidentally pregnant at 20
Why does Sakura let her 13 year old daughter dress like this? Its not even a "Is she stupid?" meme this time its a genuine question.
Do you find someone more attractive if they fancy you/have a crush on you?
Simple Questions & Champion/Role advice: Patch 25.04
Observations in the coaching difference between Tarzaned and Neace
my friend thinks a group of 10 men could kill a silverback gorilla with their bare hands, if they went for the gorilla's eyes and testicles, is it realistically possible?
I'm so done with people calling me a "simp" because of the way I treat my girlfriend