People be defending Ace because he's a hot head and it's totally in character for him, but that doesn't excuse the fact he's dumb as shit and he made some of the worst decision in all of OP
Why are Invisible Woman players so aggressive?
Did bro cook
What are the chances lol
Ahem! Am I the only one who thinks this would hame came out to be really cringe type edgy? If the scene was like this
New episode
How come Garp had Ace and Luffy grow up separately for so long? It didn’t really seem like he had any plans of them ever meeting until luffy started saying he wanted to be the pk so he took him to Mt.Corvo deeming it a mistake to have left him at windmill village.
Dawg look at this squad and tell me how you can take these mfs seriously 😭
Watching One Piece for the first time and the thing I hate most is
Chapter 196 Release Party
Time Flux not generating
[DISC] Chainsaw Man - Ch. 196 links
Thoughts on this?
What will happen if Cody find out about imu and Marines Secret
Poor Girl 😭 She wasn't even able to react! Author did her Dirty Ngl!
Shotzzy on streaming scrims again: “I definitely want to stream scrims for sure, it’s just a weird period right now for our team.”
Luffy isn't dickriding Shanks y'all 😭. If someone sacriifices his arm to save u from a creature named "Lord Of The Coast" , saves u from a guy that has killed over alf a century men and has his own gang , you all would be their biggest fan too and This luffy was also like 6 years old
When did the fanbase cook harder than Oda?
iLLeY Out, Arcitys In for OMiT
I’d NEVER let Mark live it down
To this day, I'm still confused by Gear 2's development
Which is a bigger gap in power?
Memepiece is the new glazepiece
Non Fresh Kaido taking fresh Joy Boy and still won a round or 2?? Man Kaido broke the power scaling levels
Imagine using clickbait and barely get any views