Letter D: Favourite Industrial Albums A-Z. Album with the most upvotes wins!
What are some albums in which you feel the second half is stronger than the first?
Songs you can’t stand a single second of.
Judas Priest ballads
Screw the rules, give me your favorite political charged metal songs
One Album Wonders
Medusa To Open!
[Other] Working
Artists you avoided for the longest time simply because of their name
Weirdest ways metal bands have gotten mainstream exposure?
Most danceable metal songs?
male singers who sound like girls
If you don’t know who anyone here is I pray for you
Favorite Pantera album?
Bands that people think are Nü Metal
What user flairs would you like to see added?
metal songs about mountains
Artists who are products of their time in a good way?
Which Judas Priest song is this?
What’s the most metal video game you have played?
Opinions about Fear Factory?
What's a hit song you find so bad, that it just deeply fascinates you?
Did any bands successfully jump on the grunge bandwagon?
Master's of horror scariest song!
Most overrated industrial song?