Trying to draw a little every day and keep it fun
Date tonight, 1 or 2?
What does my drawing smell like?
Anyone know what kind of snail this is?
just lost a contest with this one, cheer me up reddit
My mixed media painting of a bagel with lox
Name this animal, please
My daughter got walkie talkies for Christmas
How do I get there?
Anyone else here have a greyhound / doberman hybrid and how the hell do you deal with them?
11 year old dog has pretty bad back tooth worried about putting him under anesthesia he has diabetes and slight heart murmur.
What does this fridge scream to you?
Which card design looks the best for my game?
For everyone just trying to do the bare minimum to keep things moving, what are your daily and weekly goals?
Finchie friends and trading daily thread
How much would you pay for this painting?
He went through a lot in life, but deep there, he's a good person. What name would you give him?
Where is this in Utah?
Where is this in Hawaii?
Hey guys! Job interview today, sweater or no sweater?
Just going through some of the old stuff
Sketchbook of a beginner trying to do a little everyday
"pick a pen" general reading
What feeling do you get from these?
Sketchbook pages from a beginner