Thickened Nuchal Fold at 17.5 Weeks
New SCT Newborn
Echogenic focus noted in fetal heart. suboptimal right outflow tract. Nuchal thickness 7mm.
39 weeks & no signs of labor
41 weeks and 1 day, induction scheduled in 2 days. Feels like my body has failed me.
Daily Thread #1 - March 24, 2024
Did my water just break or am I tripping? (40+2)
Last minute tips?
Weekly Introductions Thread - March 17, 2024
36 weeks & struggling
Under 21 clubs?? My friends and I are 18
Questions Needed Answered for School Project
Late pregnancy symptoms you wish people told you about
What are you guys getting out of bed for?
Nuchal fold of 8mm at 20 weeks with negative NIPT and negative PGT-A
Maternity Clothes
AITA for not wanting my sister at my wedding since she is in a wheelchair and will take up all of the spotlight
AITA for telling my MIL she won't be seeing my baby after throwing a baby shower for herself?
AITA for kicking my daughter out of my house for being pregnant
AITA for wanting my parents in town, but not at my house, while I'm adjusting to life with a newborn?
27F [Chat]
[18+] [M40/F22] Stepfather and college stepdaughter
[19M] been 5 years since I've had a relationship