W?? By How much though? In fruit terms not the website term.
I know nobody will believe me but...
Blox fruits opinion that got you looking like this?
Fruit tier list in terms of value
So wich number are you?
Gimme your best combos
How do I afk farm factory/pirate raids?
what is the most broken combo
the trading system is absolutely cooked and the community is getting brainrot
W or L?
Your username dictates how you die. How are you dying?
Who wanna Levi hunt? We need beast hunter and someone off cd. Rn we have 2 ppl, so we need 3 more. If u wanna do my user is Z_amazingdude
Low quality image of a leopard user
behold, a strange combo
Very weird combo I found (The Shitass Combo) for hakari
I’m the one with controls
Can u guys give me some light combos? Preferably inescapable.
What should I get from the shop
if i afk while an npc attacks me with aura on will i get to level 5
Kinda feel like this is a hot take but “pro” players suck nuts like socially.
Is gas better than Buddha for grinding?
What Can This Realistically Get Me?
Suggest me a good short anime
I'm going to give a hot take guys... but I don't think this game's community is THAT bad