Elon Musk is a masterclass in the Dunning Krueger Effect
This Palestinian little girl and her whole family killed In an Israeli bombing in Gaza
This is officially on the wiki
Hypothetically, could a Rogue Hulk kill The Avengers?
found in the woods..apparently guy was a convinced child ab*ser
The Multicoloured Moose
This thing doesn't die
What do i got?
What perfectly legal thing did you do that aroused suspicion?
Who was more influential for their time, Elvis Presley or The Beatles?
Eight-year-old Sama Tubail lost all of her hair due to the constant trauma she has endured from Israel's genocide in Gaza
Crow bar in our toilet pipe (TW: poop?)
Saw this on instagram 🙉
A stand-up comedian was reportedly shot dead in PH
Now I know why no one uses Ditto
Religious Man Goes on Insane Rant
What are your two personalities and how do they react to this video?
Why didn’t Stark implement the flamethrower from the Mk.1 onto his newer suits?
What do you guys think these sprays are linked with?
Kratos with a moustache
[gen 9] hunting this while color blind sucks!
Who is that in cyberpunk?
Old to new!! She’s a beauty
Who are some MCU actors that, in your opinion, deserved a better casting/script?