New Ellie??
At what point did you have Auril notice your party?
Did you Know? Haitian Mulatto Presidents Sténio Vincent & Élie Lescot were Best Of Friends With Dominican Mulatto President Rafael Trujillo?
The Traitors Poland: The dagger instead of a shield. Has this been done in other franchises?
MAGA vendors - can we start a master list?
college is so much more boring than before (help)
AIO for ending my friendship with my best friend because he followed the girl my ex cheated on me with?
does anyone actually want the traitors to win?
gnx is his worst album
Drop out?
Why does coke seriously mess up my appetite??
Contrary to popular belief, Carolyn was never a "good" traitor; she was just the traitor you could have the most sympathy for.
Best Dim Sum place in NYC that uses high quality ingredients?
Futurism was truly that bad.
My party killed Arveiaturace and now I don't know how to balance the rest of the campaign!
Worth 15 mill a year? Probably not…
Is this going to affect financial aid?
Why to be a Bills fan?
What's the typical hiring process like for CUNY?
For history majors, what do you hope to do as a career after graduation?
Unpopular Opinion: Reading Dostoevsky Makes You somewhat Socially Distant
Why do readers so often forget that Fyodor Karamazov, like all his sons, was actually a man who longed for love, and not just a grotesque joker?
What would you do as a DM if you had 10,000 pieces of Chardayln?
Just finished first ever season I watch of the Traitors (S1 UK) and here is what I took from it