Dimentio is my favorite video game villain of all time!
What if SPM had the combat system of TTYD? Would you like it more or less, and how would some of the bosses work?
My Super Paper Mario Chapter Ranking
Am I the only one who really enjoys Super's final boss a lot?
Super Paper Mario is my favorite Mario game!
tell me your favorite moment in this game!
How Super Paper Mario Makes BAD Design GOOD
Undertale is my number 1 favorite game of all time!
Tips for beating Sans on switch?
Chara new best friend
The good old times
UNDERTALE has reached a new peak of concurrent players for the first time since 2015! Via Toby Fox
How to open this door?
I love how sir grodus room looks in the remake
Paper Mario 64 is a Masterpiece
The thousand year door on switch is taking years to load anything
I don't care if I get hate because of this opinion, but this is my favorite paper mario song. OVERALL!
Goombario Noooo
Give me a Paper Mario character and I’ll give them a fitting voice actor (either living or deceased)
How many copies has The Thousand Year Door sold?
If i get hate, im sorry, but......
What is, in your opinion, the highest-quality game of the franchise?
Hey, what do you think of my new cursed ship: Shadow Queen X Dark Bowser?
I finished peak