What suits me best- long or shorter hair?
I need to learn how to do my makeup like this, artist did a great job.
Loving this selfie and my smile!
I feel like I look so different with a full glam. Should I just stick to a minimal makeup routine?
Full glam smoky eye look
Love how the sunlight hits just right for a good selfie
Gym paying off thus far, still working hard for a bigger 🍑
Don’t really wear flared jeans that often
A smile makes everything better
The gym is my happy place
Had a great gym sesh 💪
Love the new gym set that I got 🔥
It’s leg day today 🦵
Who else works out in their hoodies? 💪
What type of nose do I have, does it fit my face well?
Need more gym dedication
My Valentine’s Day outfit for today at work
Should I add some highlights to my hair or keep as is?
Do I have a celebrity lookalike?
Just got done getting ready to go out to dinner with friends
Makeup helps me feel more confident
Car selfies are the best
Do guys really lie for sex?
I think I just experienced the good old “hit it and quit it”
Simple fits are the best