The knife took me out
What would you do if you woke up tomorrow looking like her?
What is your favorite word that ends with an o?
She's a master baiter..... 😆
She makes me so grateful to have a job.. or even the fact that I grew up with a very involved and selfless stay-at-home mom.
Whereabouts theories?
Yesterday vs. Today. 🤣🤣🤣
And just like that we are over our crying session about paw paw, and back to a different strategy. Back to using the children. ANYTHING for a effing view or comment!
Lets play a guessing game...
It's a bugger yall on full display! I guess that makes The heartache more real!
Couldn't resist. Told her to seek the wagon wheels.
On tt, yt, and ig with this nonsense! Pulling out ALL the sm stops. Let's not forget the bugger as apart of the SHOW. Go stop, Noone is buying it
Your paw paw was the only one to put up with your bullshit! I bet your own mother wouldn’t get those tears! YOU MAKE ME ILL!
The need for attention with this girl. Her mom has cut her off, they are done with her games.
[17 F] tell me how I can look more beautiful
ALWAYS stuffing your face! Food is your Only love jess.
Violation on the baloney sandwich under disorder eating
Nasty AF! No home training! Just find a barn already
Shallow Hal - body dysmorphia
Got her on fake engagement!
Feelin herself up in her new brawl
I can’t! Dear Lord, make it stop!!! I would not be caught dead looking like this in the privacy of my home, yet she plans to wear this to the gym?!?!
Not the search bar saying “Danny Devito Penguin 🐧 “ 😆
She is such a slob.
Who Wore it Better? (Stolen idea)