My take on abyss pull priority, based or sneak?
Everyone is farming whimsy so i did the same
Version 5.5 is giving a free Ororon. How much of an upgrade will a C6 Ororon be over C6 Fischl in an Overload team with Mavuika and Chevereuse?
Top 5 best dps character
Disaster Warning
Roses are red, I think I'll pass.
Does this confirm that Capitano is one of those moon sisters and will return in 5.6 with the remaining sisters?
16F don't wanna do homework AMA so I don't gotta
Seems like mr stimmer has severe skill issue (not the first day)
Exercises for increasing hand span?
Alya or Mahiru
Guys, Ive heard that echos is better on her, should I farm vermillion?
who is your go to damage test dummy?
Is farming artifacts really that hard
Final Dissertation! I NEED YOU GUYS (a 5 Welkins Raffle included)
Reverse Game Mode : Survive Bosses within the time limit.
Everywhere I go
Travelers' Tales Quiz Event
I swear I used to be able to do her E6 combo
Most satisfying burst animation + sound effect?
Give Me Your Favorite Song and I'll Rate It 1-10 !
How could anyone not choose Miku? I'll never understand
Any good romance recommendations