What Are the Most Underrated Post-Punk Albums?
Some of the best (predominantly) black and white albums, ranked from The Wall down. What are some of yours???
what are your JD hot takes?
Does anyone else do stuff like this? Whenever I like a band enough, it’s a playlist
Tell me your favorite U2 song:)
Just picked this classic up on vinyl… What’s your favourite song off Still?
Today is the 45th anniversary of the release of Another Day, their second single
Singer gets too close to flame machine
🇺🇸- REPORTER: "Egg prices have reached an all-time high..." — TRUMP: "I've been here for 3 weeks. I've had nothing to do with inflation. This was caused by Biden."
Joy Division/New Order again on Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2025 shortlist
The largest of the bears may look friendly but it's an apex predator
🇺🇸- Lucky Philadelphia man narrowly escapes death as plane crash debris, heading straight for his head, flips his cap and injures him.
Political post-punk
What is your joy division deep cut??
this heat — paper hats
Disorder cover I made on GarageBand
Lady breaks her arm during arm wrestle
they wouldn't let him cook
Lonely boy. Happy birthday to Bernard Sumner
Bloody Sunday, Derry, Northern Ireland Jan 30, 1972 [1200x771]
Best purely instrumental songs?
cover of 24 hours
Map of the events at Croke Park on Bloody Sunday in 1920. By Mike Murphy (2017)
The most overrated post-punk song (in your opinion)
hello, i am new to the cute (kinda)