Anyone remember this episode?
Amanda argues with the host (Are You the One?)
Is Hannah from so7 for real?
Theoretically, is anyone on this show genuine?
Why is she 31 years old with an app to show who follows and unfollows her
PeacockTV interview with Danielle - the hardest banishment for her was Nikki's
Anyone Know what happened to Cole Barnett From Season 3?
I'm always on the Traitors side
Ben’s TikTok Response Part 2: Ben brings the “receipts”, seemingly confirms that Sara is dating Joey
Fessy and All Stars 5
Emanuel got engaged to his girlfriend of 1 year! 💍
agree or disagree?
Joey just addressed why he skated on his longboard down the aisle
Danielle admits she 'h*tes herself' for 'believing' in Britney on Traitors and 'should have know better'
Ben’s side of the Nashville story + text receipts
Joey responds to someone critiquing how he chose to enter his wedding
Hot Take: But I don't understand why some people find Sara inauthentic or virtue signaling with her beliefs and called her fake?
Unpopular Opinion
Madison defenders in here are gross.
This was really the “men ain’t shit” season
Kiki (Challenge AU & WC) has thoughts on the cast & theme of S41
After the reunion, I’m Team Madison
Meg throwing shade, and Madison’s receipts!
The men…
How can these guys get worse!?!Meg found a way to prove she REALLY SUCKS!!!