dont take it personally
Congratulations Ling Bhai!!
she was the savior for me
Is this it? I'm 25 and used to this for some years.
Desh bhakti me koi kami nahi 👍
well well well well
Sword Art Online was the best lullaby for me
Elon is a Congressi . CONFIRMED 😱😱😱😱😱
My friend who's going to gym since a year 😭😭
I wanted whey and my dad sent me this 😭
Perfect breakfast/snack
Top from H&M and jeans from zudio
Full Ep In 1 Minute
Akhand bharat makes me harny🥵😈☝️
Cause and Effect of the Low Protein Indian Diet further enforced by Propaganda
What has Tapu done to Bhide?
time to quit listening to hip hop