I laughed.
How did you guys find Carleton?
Elon Musk's comment about this Carleton Professor...
What were your favourite courses this semester?
Where can I get this cursive emblem and are they easy to install?
this ruined my day
Favourite packed lunches?
Why does Starbucks charge $1 extra for the water in an Americano?
Guy praising Jesus in the library
How do I look less like toad from Mario 😭
Listening to horror stories
What two characters would you want to sing Mesmerizer?
Which cover just makes you go
Does anyone have pics of someone wearing these?
What to do if pump falls out when out of the house?
SM7B is breaking months after warranty expired
Followed this more or less to the letter…
What if Starbucks entered new industries? Logo redesigns.
What kind of style/haircut should I get?
the semi-finals are revealed (who'd have guessed wow :P)
MX Cream Clay
finally reached 10 pairs lol. wdy of the rotation?
PSA: Stop asking us why we don't use Poe/Sillytavern/Oogabooga/Zibzebap Duwap or similar.
Roleplay or trope ideas