All DnD Classes as Goblins! Part 2: THE GOBLIN BARD
My girlfriend's current favourite DnD character is a ramshackle robot in a cowboy outfit with a corpse's arm grafted onto hers and a gun that is permanently on fire. Challenge accepted.
A Grinling general, as denoted by his 100% practical weaponry and his fearsome gnashers
My Half-Orc, Oath of Redemption Paladin, Urihana. Nsfw for blood and booba.
Human Paladin Wice and her Pegasus Abel
Do you know any songs beginning with a sound of a bell?
Should I call him Boomaroo or Kangarang?
Queen Marika (STR+FTH build) vs Radagon - No hit
Joshua Graham cosplay
Make Walking Mausoleum Walk Again?
This anti-homeless bench.
I will
Without telling the name of you country, where do you live?
Meanwhile in Alabama
Haven't seen too many Harry Potter builds, tried my hand at creating Hagrid's Hut!
Gamers, what was the first game you ever played?
can't help falling in love with noteblocks
Yes princess...
"We became less human, and more.. divine" (MHW:I/PS4)