My floofer 🥰
Does anyone else...just...never feel good? Even when not in an episode?
Wishing everyone on the east coast a migraine free day today
Qulitpa vs Emgality
what the average non migraine haver believes will cure your migraines!
Wow just wow
WTF are non migraine headaches?
What exactly does a migraine feel like?
Is anyone else instantly triggered into a mega migraine by cigarette smell/smoke?
Scented candles - do others struggle with them?
One of my warning signs for my migraines are rosy cheeks?
What do yall do to make your house migraine friendly
What are some weird or odd symptoms you get with your migraines?
Doctors of reddit: What was the wildest self-diagnoses a patient was actually right about?
So, this is interesting…has the friendship with Planes already met its inevitable demise or is Alex trying to free her up so they can plan more bestie outfits and drinkies? 🥹🍺
What is your imaginary migraine silver bullet?
Yall, Ubrelvy is 100% worth the money over triptans
Funniest thing someone told you about migraines?
Take a drink every time someone says “Military”
What makes you more comfortable when you are having a migraine?
What would women dislike most if they became men?
Which show ended so poorly that you really wished you hadn't invested so much time in it?
Is this stray pregnant
Neurology PA here, what is something thing you wish your provider new about your migraines or something they could do better for your care?
Does anyone else get migraines from neck tension and know how to make it go away without advil?