How's my soldiering?
Why tf is my pc not turning on?
My phone's screen has a green line across it. Any fixes?
Help identifying all the info on this capacitor, I can't find an exact replacement online
Battle of the Components: Who Will Reign Supreme in the Circuit?
How do i put these back?
Can I use these capacitors to become smarter?
How do I straighten it back?
Why can’t my 1000 Dollar Laptop Connect to the Internet
Help!! I got grounded! What do I do?!
Every single electronic device in the universe is a smoke machine.
Guys how's this for my first soldering job?
Can I power my 5090 and particle generator with this power supply?
TIL: Aux plug fit into TO-247 mounting hole perfectly for soldering.
High Voltage DC Arcs with Zero Voltage Switching Driver ZVS Driver and Flyback Transformer
Is this enough solder? It tastes like burning when I turn it on
Can I solder it back together?
Is this a suitable power source for my LED?
Where would you live in this circuit if it was a city?
Just installed new batteries for my house but I still don't have power. Any suggestions?
Why isn't my electrical screwdriver insulating properly?
Is this going to fly again?
So uh… what do I do
What type of board is this?
Running Tranformers Below Rated Voltages