SIL attempted to breastfeed my baby?!?!?!
I love the new Spectra S1 Pro!
Welp, 4oz down the drain
Just saw this ridiculous Instagram comment. TW for those with low supply/difficulty with nursing
Pumped by a waterfall!!
Dr brown bottles
Does breech baby change position after 36-38 weeks?
From undersupply to slight oversupply
Can I still do it?
Help! Is there a line??
EP'ing when you are from family that only know EBF is so hard
Be honest…what milk/pumping safety rule do you shamelessly ignore?
Any idea what this backwards F is on the Spectra hours readout?
Is the spectra worth it?
Why do babies love nursing to sleep so much
This !! every night
I never knew 20 mins can feel like an eternity untill I started pumping
Twin moms- how many ounces do you pump each day to feed?
New mom should I move to high pressure env due to lack of appreciation in current team
New mom and lack of appreciation in team should I move?
Seriously guys! Buy that spectra
Normalizing pumping??
What is the Best/Affordable Hospital Grade Breast Pump?
Feeing sad on comment that pumping will not create as much bonding as ebf
Knowing what you know now, If you have another baby, what would you do differently?