What's your favorite funny line?
I have a problem. I'm seeing WOF everywhere.XD
Cover reveal for The Hidden Kingdom Japanese translation
How i feel about Jerboa
I'm still waiting for the update to finish
He thinks they're the same
Hear me out. I want to get this model kit. And convert it to a Wings of fire character. Which characters do you guys think would fit the best? Thay are from Warhammer aos.
Primarch Vulkan of the Salamanders as a Mud/Sky hybrid by user u/Anna_Ravenrock
Am. Is this just with me?... I've had my Ai not finishing any messages. It just stays mid way. And don't finish.
How do you all feel the new edition of underworlds is doing In your area? Do many people play it ?
Mega size comparison
Can I use this part of the Shado of chaos with rotigus ?
Is it me ore were the ksons not represented well lore wise In space Marine 2?
Will we have to buy the new box to have the decks ore will Thay also come in the knew boxes?
Wen do you all think we will see the rules fore the others warbands?
New Phoenix Lord miniature
What is your Favorite Faction to play and Why?
Do Y'all think will be able to use the spider in emperors children. Or will he stay exclusive to chaos space marines? ( Buy spider I'm referring to fabius bile )
That would happen if peacemaker were to put on Qiblis earring?
How am I supos to take demons with chaos Knight's
Seems ktdash doesn't know whats the difrens betuin a howling banshee and a warlock looks like. I got exited for a moment.
Starting death Guard.
Castigagor progress
Anyone else find painting metallic trim to be relaxing? I can throw on some music and do this all day
I just started reading the Angron book and I already feel disappointed (not about the book, but about the tabletop)