Is smurfing actually an issue?
Is invisible woman the only support that doesn't want high ground?
Is it fine to only play no skill characters?
Is there anyway to swap Lokis clone conferm button?
Is there really a smurf problem?
What are your opinions on the top 4 banish picks?
I feel like Loki has untapped potential
Why is it always the Iron and Spider-Mans
How does Lokis clone teleport work?
Does anyone know any good Loki streamers?
Dr Strange Mains, what are some tips for success?
Do you think support players are skilled or boosted?
I can only climb as a support and its bugging me
Does anyone not like Marvel Rivals?
My greatest Magneto save and it happened on my fucking bronze alt T-T
I'm having issues solo tanking as Magneto
Based on this clip where would you rank me
Who would you banish if you could choose all?
Did I make an error here? I know we got it but I feel like I caused magneto to waste a bubble
A lot of ppl don't seem to get tanks
Is okay to solo ult somebody
Updated the Strange Mag list
Should I have a smooth or rough transition over to overwatch?
Whats every situation where the vanguard can walk past the other?