Kokoomus jyrähti paikalliselle nuorisojärjestölleen, joka ehdotti vaaleihin yläikärajaa (keski-suomen kokoomusnuoret ehdottivat äänestämiseen 80 ikävuoden yläikärajaa.)
100ah battery on cheap E-Bike?
Oma spekulaatio USA:n poliittisen strategian syistä ja mihin se on menossa.
Keep falling into pornography
Anyone here conquer lust?
PSA I just learned this and you might too
Confessing I stalk someone
Always remember to deposit all worn items before heading into the wildy (sorry for photo of screen)
[Jan 31, 2025] Weekly Discussion: Ask your gear, travel, conditions and other ski-related questions
Chunk of ice falls from the sky onto a Florida home
I'll still make fun of them, but our electrician brothers have gone up a few points in my book!
Repost because some of yall seem to think IBEW is gonna just bend over and take it
Does abortion prove that universalism is likely the correct doctrine?
Someone was attempting to return their boat today.
I can't wait to die
Am I Libertarian?
Trying to find a specific USED car... do I talk to a dealer, broker, or keep my mouth shut?
Aftermath of a small plane crashing into houses/businesses in Philadelphia 1/31/25
Corvette first wash in 42 Years
Drone pilot to plead guilty in collision that grounded aircraft fighting Palisades fire
They all need to be fired🤣🤣
Heart rate at 98.7° C
30-vuotias mies murhasi 74-vuotiaan uhrin kotiovelle miekalla – oikeus ei tuominnut rangaistukseen
I would sue my parents too
The other new angle of the DCA crash
Kim Kardashian and Serena Williams