They could never make me hate you Mimikyu
Chicken wings / Art by Andrich_Galam
How could you say no to this face
What was your “This ISNT once per turn?!?!” Moment?
Ironically Apsaras' censored p5x art gives her bigger boobs
What decks do you hate going against?
I got called a runner,
Which card gives you the "IS THAT A CUSTOM CARD?" Feeling?
They all have infinite grind games because they were never intended to be explosive
Jujutsu Shenanigans Pre-Game-End-Game Antics Tier List
It's true
this character is not fair 💔
Most wanted demons
Who's the biggest hater here?
Bravely Default x Fire Emblem Class Swap: Black Mage Lysithea & Gremory Anges
Kasumi’s loot By @GJH_1_
I hate this game
Do you think called by should be banned?
If I see one more Invincigger.
i think i’ve gone senile.
[Hated Trope] When a villain’s motivations are too reasonable, so the writers make them do out of character immoral acts to make them seem more evil
[Tanokura] Prayers
Shenanigans my ass
Why do most of the Skyrim players hate when someone kills Paarthurnax but have no problem with doing the Dark Brotherhood questline?