SOTB: new pedal day
“You have too many guitars…”
Just pulled the trigger on a 108. Kind of worried it might not be enough.
Why so many gain pedals?
We finally have Uber!
State of the Board: Hopefully my final version
Words can’t describe my pain right now
What style of music do you think I play? lol
Sotb: tips for a back shelf
Built my own pedalboard for less than 20$, including rubber pads to protect the floor
Adding Headrush to Peadlboard
what have I done 🤦♂️
What is the WORST guitar pedal from BIG BRANDS?
Question for the group
Just organized the board to look cleaner and neater, what am I missing
Pedalboard with DC and AC pedals?
I got bored lol
My terra board
Pink Themed Board
Just set up my first pedalboard
Tuner goes last. Prove me wrong..
I hope this is the right place to ask. (making a converter)
Pedal suggestions