What was the best movie you ever watched?
What are the pros and cons of owning a cat?
Furparents what are your tips and advice to new Furparents?
What is your comfort movie?
What are some of your “Risk it or Leave it” situation?
What is something that holds a sentimental value to you?
What’s your favorite birthday celebration food?
What’s your childhood highlight moment?
How do you tell if a person is genuine or not?
What’s your first furparent experience? How is it?
How do you deal with anxiety?
What do you think is the most underrated clothing brand/store?
What’s your 10/10 go to restaurant?
If money dont matter what would your career be?
What are Pros and Cons of being OFW?
What words you heard hurts you the most? Why?
What is worst than losing a loved one?
If money/income isn’t a big deal what would your job/career be?
How do you define a person with high standards?
What are some of your biggest life decisions?
What are some of your parent’s iconic phrases na madalas nya/nila sinasabi?
What’s a very sudden encounter you had with someone?
What are your most memorable events/moments you’ll never forget?
What song reminds you of special someone?
What are some of School/University Urban legends you know?