Dq xi final words
Oathbringer: Wit
Most disturbing images in final fantasy. Respond with pictures in comments
Mistborn Deckbuilding Game
DQ XI Recommended Level for Isle Trial
Why is there a single church in this world? What religion is practiced?
When FFVI was released, Famitsu featured a Terra cosplay
Which character from any other series is most likely to be Hoid?
What am I even reading right now?
Did I lock myself out of yagyu darkblade?
My take on exactly how I imagine many of the main characters in my head.
Is FFX a good starting point ?
How powerful would Tifa be as a SOLDIER first class?
Optional endgame is a fuckin deep dive and a separate game in of itself, holy cow!
Worst dungeons in the series?
Uhhhh how do you survive Omega's megido flame??
Im thinking of getting this game. How fun and emotional is the story? Is it worth it?
Whats the best greatsword besides liquid metal gooreatsword that i can get after fetting the supreme sword of light in act 3?
What's a american dad line that you use in everyday life for some reason for me it's "2 hooks for my hands 2 hooks for my feet"
Who is the real villain?
Book 1 enough?
Is this normal for a finish?