Blissey as a Dmax raid support?
ELI5 How to use Max Spirit
People who bought the shiny meloetta master research and live in the city have a tough challenge ahead
Priority delivery “well sort of”
Can you guess my cube's theme?
Doesn't get much more useless than this
Sinistea is so hard to find
If Drivers could block restaurants, whonwould go first?
Dasher complained about 20% tip.
My Arcanine has been fed over 240 Berries by strangers in the past two weeks.
Chick with genetic defect
Delivering to Hospital
The jank demon on my shoulder is screaming that there’s glory to be had with this card, but I can’t crack it
How on earth do I beat a dynamax raid with just a crummy wooloo?
Labor hours to afford rent
Please come upstairs using the condemned elevator
I am free from this hell
“Tip the staff” food option for fast food chain in my area
What do you do? Forge the signature? Or knock/Ring and wait?
Yeah, I purified it. I've got 2 more I didn't, NO REGRATS
How many shiny pokemon have you collected?
My most useless hundo. What’s yours?
Is it shitty that I order my monthly(for one person) groceries on Doordash?
Should I evolve her or no ?
11a-4pm, 5 hours, 2 orders, 100% AR for the shift.