What country is this? (wrong answers only)
What is the best fast food fish sandwich?
my mom's concert tickets from the '90s (and one from 2003)
What’s a band/artist that everyone loves but you are lukewarm about.
Burger for breakfast
What song makes you feel like this?
Mr.bungle for me
Who is your favorite artist from Sweden?
Has anyone gone to a game where you don't support either team?
Deaners boy is on Instagram as @Bugg.e.r
What is the least blue collar city in America?
What does he drive?
Give it to me straight
Me at 17 then at 51
Sven Affleck
Looking for a rock song that uses the sax or other jazz instruments.
Does this happen in your marriage: the husband tries to initiate sex, but the wife isn't in the mood and she suggests that he masturbate instead?
What's the greatest opening line to a rap song?
My grocer knows
Wife and I Over30 Years Together. Pics from 94 and 25 (52 and 51 years old)
What’s his name
27/ single for over 4 years
Whats do you think his name is?
Songs about being numb?