What part of your life makes the hard days worth it?
Infinite Wish Glitch?
Infinite Wish Glitch
Pro-longed face puffiness
Gonca Vaslateri
Me [32/m] and my wife [29/f] fighting about colleague [22/f]. She thinks it's inappropriate, I think she's just being possessive.
How to make face slimmer and longer
Another Manifestation Success
Manifestation success
Audio hallucination ?
Another Success Story
Manifestation SUCCESS
Manifested Superpowers
Did they remove the background track for Cistak?
Need some Input/Feedback
Need some Input/Feedback.
Manifested Superpowers??
Does anyone else’s legs start tingling when they feel excited?
Terps who don’t party
Manifestation Success?
where can I find retired professors?
Gift Idea for Mother