Record of Ragnarok Season 3 is apparently being done by the people who animated FrienFrien, animation looks pretty good this time around/actually worthy of how good the manga is.
Record of Ragnarok Season 3 Announcement Trailer
If Oda was an actual good writer he should rename One Piece to One Page and have Page One as the protagonist where he makes his own pirate crew but his crewmates is just his harem
Conservatives bemoaning the fact they have lost friends and family because of their blind devotion to Dear Leader.
Why invincible fans are like this?
Veilguard ruined the series for me
Would Jay have voted for Trump?
This seems like something dr low-cost, concrete-paneled or brick three- to five-storied apartment buildings would do
Invincible [Episode Discussion] - S03E08 - I Thought You'd Never Shut Up
Started to play Rogue Trader, and gotta say, wasn't expecting a setting like this in Warhammer 40K.
Official Post on Space Marine 2 Discord Announces Sequel in Development
Man, seeing 616 Peter talk about 616 Gwen to 1610 Gwen without bringing up her... current state is so painful [Spider-Men #4]
Question about his last sentence
Absolute Universe sales are "Quadruple" what DC Expected them to be and Two new books in the universe are on the way
imu, how dare you kill my friends. this is not funny anymore, no more laughs, no more joys, no more cartoon bullshit. it's time for gear.....DARK DEATH.
Why does no one talk about this?
What happens when you search "Trump" in r/Christianity
Tesla investor survey shows 85% believe Elon Musk's politics are having 'negative' or 'extremely negative' impact on company
rare memepiece W (guess the woman)
I can actually say "gg no heals"
Tesla Stock Pops 8%, But Is It a Blip or Can the EV Maker Rally? - A leading Tesla bull (DAN IVES) said investor patience is wearing thin
Trump threatens France with 200% wine and Champagne tariffs
Y'all need to take your role-playing elsewhere.
Do yall think mark is a better written character than luffy?
Ai cooked here
TSLA Puts 90k to 609k