What’s your thoughts on this game for those who just started playing it?
Why does nobody talks about this part of the game?
What do you think about “Waste Not Want Not “ being the last mission before Carlos got kidnapped?
Angry Bird :)
What do you think takes place after Frontiers?
...are you SERIOUSLY for real, Activision?!
Wanna know something?
What’s his thoughts on Hedgehogs?
What if these two fused?
What would happen if the gun thing didn’t happen and she didn’t get the illness?
Should I buy? (its literally exactly all of my money)
What do you think about Movie Tails being voiced by the current Tails voice actor in the games?
Jenny, I know you're a robot, but WTF
What would it be like if Kirby wasn’t a Nintendo exclusive franchise? (Image Unrelated)
Is this one of you guys
How would he have reacted if he met Gerald or the other way around?
Do sonic characters crash out?
Who knew that this guy would have lore…
To think that all of this wouldn’t happen if Tom had changed back.
It’s been two years. How are we feeling about this?
Which game did you get in 2005?
The Sonic The Hedgehog community, everyone (TW: abelism)
Oh my indeed…