Los Ratones vs. Karmice Corp Blue / EMEA Masters 2025 Winter Group Stage - Group D Day 2 / Post-Match Discussion
Este legal sa dai review uri de 5 stele la restaurante in schimbul unei sume de bani?
Arena's Death Realm is problematic for half of League players
This week 4.5 star portal
Looking to giveaway 2 Steam games for $100 or less to 2 people
The only way to bring the hextech chests back? Don't watch competitive, does that work?
That's probably the worst idea they've had in a while(ephimeral item on champions)
New Nasus deck feels so good. Love it
What if Red Atakhan gives a permanent reduced death timer bonus
Death's Foil and does not work with CAN'T STOP; WON'T STOP
Who would be interested to coach me? (PC - A2 - Solos)
I hate that you can't just play any champion
quick question before buying the game (controls related)
Countering Revenge Counter with Super Counter does not require a specific timing. Just press it whenever during the animation
Can we preset teams?
Does Cease And Desist work with Elise?
When the IA wants win, they'll win...
Yasuo Matchup
Need help on PQ 157
Benzino mad he didn’t get a response on TDOSS to Rap Elvis 😂
How do you beat this week's 3.5*?
Namekian or Saiyan?
can't find online players