My league AI
Would you pay 300-500 coins for classic kits? (I would)
Why are so many dudes here clueless about women’s bodies?
Which showtime should I pick?
You can't say you're not homophobic if you are against gay marriage
Having zero health problems is a luxury that people don’t think is a luxury.
how do you call this front four
What do you think of Trans Women in Women's Spaces?
Guys of reddit, what was something you didn't know about women till you got with one?
Can you find one person in the comments and give them a compliment?
are stretch marks a turn off?
It's almost midnight.
show me two musicians with insane chemistry?
What would you do if your gf revealed she was trans?
Celebrating the women paving the way for the next generation! Happy International Women’s day sisters 💜
Too much radio, not enough head...
What do you think about North Korea?
Hi everybody pleas like this post so i can get more karma pleas help me
Guys, what do you count as girls flirting with you?
Why do so many guys find a high body count a red flag? (Gals, feel free to give your thoughts as well)
Y’all why can’t I get a gf?
Best website builder?
Gentlemen what is your dream girl?
Most overrated music artist in your opinion?