Any prop 22/adjustment shoppers?
If an associate or customer lied about an interaction with us. How can we protect ourselves?
What’s the lowest AR you had and for how long? Mines was under 5 percent for a week :(
Does IC service Wholefoods or Amazon Fresh?
Do IC puts us on timeout after not accepting a few
Has anyone been prompt to submit the “Real driver’s license or SS card yet? I read that it started in 3/10
Zone showing red but haven’t seen an offer in a hour. Anyone else with same issue?
My passager window misaligns when I press it to go down. Is this the motor or regulator? If I don’t use it, will it do down by itself?
Please focus on the oline
Deactivated first time out.
Hey will they let me back? im brand new
Who else hates when a customer does this?
Do Walmart Coaches, Leads, and Managers make 100k plus a year? I’m not sure if that’s true or not.
How come I can’t update my Driver’s License but I can with my auto insurance? This is what pops up when I hit the “i” icon
Non-existent tab
Does anyone take advantage of the IC perks?
Im new to IC, do we need to update docs annually?
Does AliExpress show proof of drop off? My item is marked as delivered but I don’t see it. Can’t figure out if it’s misplaced or stolen
How to update my driver’s license? Please advise
Has anyone have or seen low rating under 4.7?
Can we be deactivated for an item missing? How can they we prove that a customer is lying?
Bro what
Is there no longer face scan after you long out and log back in?
Is this just a warning? Tier 2 told me that if there was any deactivations, it’ll be done immediately within an hour. Anyone with a similar experience? Does deactivations really happen right away?
Customer reported missing items