what's the longest yall have had your blouses? mine are going on 3 years
I just love watching it settle. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Can someone explain?
the Bible can't be the word of God when it contains clear inconsistencies, contradictions, and errors.
Can anyone guess my favorite game?
Where do his clothes come from after transforming from hulk to Bruce banner?
Orphan of kos Gave up?
Was that not a headshot?
Hope this soldier get his money on the next 3M lawsuit
I got threatened to have my throat slit
I love spreading misinformation to uninformed parties
Any advice
Skyrim anniversary edition or special edition?
Umm… what??
A Schoolboy's Heartfelt Letter to a Marine in Afghanistan
My 4 year old measuring cup vs my grandmother’s 30+ year old measuring cup
Bone Glitch in Tanglewood
New ops
Craziest cave I've ever seen (had to put rendre distance at max to see it all)
What are one or more things you don’t like about Reddit?
PADLOCK anyone agree?
Tank Jobs are mostly BS
What do you fucks do when you're trying to look busy
Slug cat with cycles vs 1 astartes space marine who wins