Liberals Need Conservatives
I'm a Fertility Doctor Now
Hey, have you guys ever seen any big name ish comedians before they made it big at like small & moderate sized venues? If so, whom?
I Met The Strangest German Man
Comedy Shows This Weekend w/Geoffrey Asmus
When I Told Nazi Jokes In Berlin
Where should I tour this fall?
Comedy Show at Knitting Factory w/Geoffrey Asmus
Comedy Show This Sunday at Blind Pig w/Geoffrey Asmus
Michigan Shows Next Weekend - buy tix in comments
Prank on Audience Backfires
When a 16th birthday party sits up front
Hell of a good show 3/6/25 Chicago @The Den
Vibrators Are Not A Threat
White guy, Asian girlfriend
Last tour dates - please come to a show
Roasting Florida
Conspiracy theories have jumped the shark
Seent him in FL. Don't know if he remembers doing this or not lol
Milwaukee on Sunday - buy tix in comments
Conspiracy Theories Have Gone Too Far
Final Month of the Tour Begins AMA
Monthly post where I ask new subs to comment where I should tour this fall
No One Wants To Work Anymore
Don’t Be A Difficult Audience