If your pet could talk what do you think they would say about you?
What instantly makes someone attractive?
What makes someone attractive to you?
What’s the best state to live in?
What is the meaning of ur name ?
What part of your life makes the hard days worth it?
What triggers your anxiety?
You’re drunk. What’s the one song you want to listen to?
What's a poor life choice that people are encouraged to do these days?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
What’s something that you do when you’re nervous?
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
What special power would you want to have for just one day?
What are some baby names that you named or will name your child?
What’s a popular opinion you strongly disagree with?
Is the illuminati real? And who do you think runs it?
What word describes you as a person?
What’s one word that would describe you?
What’s one word you would describe yourself as?
What is the best compliment you’ve gotten?
What something that you think should go extinct?
What kind of death scares you?
What is ruining your mental health?
What’s your biggest fear?