Do guys find girls boring if they don’t smoke, vape, go clubbing or party?
Wake up, new Cars lore just dropped
Illegal stonks
Where can I find these ? , I checked most of the supermarkets but can't find them.
Police, Deshabandu and Sewwandi
How to find an investor for a tech startup in Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan economical inflation simplified !
Daily Mirror advertising... gone wrong?
Crime after crime in our area
Reply only if your networth is above 5billion LKR living in SL
Vehicle Tyre’s are so expensive
Guys I saw these cars on
What are the best old cars to buy in Sri Lanka?
Rat infestation in galle face
Is the guy wrong or not????
Street Parking Laws in Sri Lanka
Why would anyone leave Sri Lanka?
Why would you stay in Sri Lanka if any opportunity to move comes your way?
Has gang culture begun to rise to prominence in Sri Lanka?
Can you travel to Kandy & back to Cmb in one day
About buying a vehicle this year
What are some daily frustrations in Lanka that could be solved with software but currently don’t have a good solution?
Do we have a rant subreddit exclusively for Sri Lankans to talk about our personal struggles?
People still selling this shit at 145 when the brand new version directly from agents comes at 120 😂💀
Why are car prices so high ?