If your suicide attempt worked; how far of a time would have passed since we lost you?
What are the best ships you adore?
Trying this again but different
I've been getting back into Warriors the past few months so here's a fanart-dump!
Your favourite funny moment?
In 3x14 and 4x03, Kara wears the same outfit, even her hairstyle is the same. Is this the only time they’ve repeated outfits or are there other instances?
Supergirl Fanart :)
Which cats had real unique names
I don’t under why people like hollyleaf so much
Who is your favorite character in Supergirl and why?🤔
What is a ship you like but don't hear about often?
Kara Ships Round 3: The Underrated One
What's something you wish the show explored more?
since supercorp won fandom favorite ,now lets choose the cute one (remember - its only allowed one ship for each category and no repetitions)
Songs you can't scream the title of in public
Winn Schott was underrated, and I hated how they tossed him to the side after season 1. He’s one of my favorite side characters and i love his sibling relationship w/ Alex
So what's everyone's unbiased opinion on the Supergirl series?
went through my autism diagnosis report again and these are real actual things that factored into me getting diagnosed
Hot takes?
Getting diagnosed NOT autistic
What's the deal with Agent Vasquez? She was a recurring background character but had no plot relevance.
James vs Kara
superfriends and neurodivergence
Morally grey and Hated by fans? - William Dey is definitely not loved and a good person so he’s a good bottom left pick