Thoughts on partner having toddlers
Dating apps: to swipe or not to swipe?
Funky date night ideas
From now on, I’m going to be wearing my knee pads to the rink .
"Other" for religion in OLD
Will literally do anything/everything you tell me to. How do I correct these newly formed red puffs and general bags?
Things to do with kids?
Want to download apps again after breakup?
How long should one wait? When is the time right?
Opportunity at my Hospital offering full-time, paid Scrub Tech training
Am I doing too much?!
In a past relationship, what was the first thing or one of the first things that happened that made you think something was a little off, or made you think something along the lines of "he/she might not be who I thought they were"?
UPDATE: I went out with the guy I had great chemistry with, but he wasn't my type at all in appearance.
Thoughts on video
Introducing kids
Let's start some conversation. What's a great product that we love?
Will it hurt to have a skin tag frozen off?
When to meet in person?
What to say next?
What normal underwear company do you buy from frequently?
Wake med doctor records visit
After 4 months of recovering a wrist injury, I am finally ready to get back on skates 🥹 wish me luck!
Boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me yesterday. I’m devastated, staring down 40 and searching for some serotonin…so I bought some skates.
I got this tricolor as a tiny plantlet one year ago today. She’s since turned into a bush and had 11 kids! Swipe to see her baby pic 🥰