Mojang should just retire java edition and either focus entirely on bedrock or make a new version
Anyone want to join origins mod bedrock realm?
how does he have pink armor?
Help pls
skeletons take this u annoying af mob
Progressing too fast good or bad?
I'm at 4285. My health is 1267. And I already have BOSS SLAYER Awakened. And Someone tell me Is deja Vu worth awakening⁉️ Which one to choose⁉️Or should i reroll⁉️
Is this rare? Sry for bad quality
Better on bedrock
Better on bedrock help me plz
Better on bedrock question
Need help with better on bedrock addon
Tf Is this, the darker part Is One block lower
I need an add on about crosshair.
Is there a texture pack like this? I kept searching for the keywords but can't find it
For no reason at all anyone know where I can buy this plush
Y'all...this shit is NOT selling
As a Java player who recently got Bedrock edition… what in the Fuck did Microsoft do to this game.
8x8 Texture Pack
Is there any Minecraft bedrock mod Like broken script or something? I wanna to get my hands on an horror mod
Made this from scratch, what do you think?
done... now what