A liddle waaag and AoD done with the base coating. Suggestions for weapon colors welcome brothers ! death Death! DEATH!!!
Advice for weapons and capes
I’m planning on making chestnut using this model. I’m trying to figure out what head to give him tho. If anyone has any ideas that would be great.
Who would win in a fight. Lobo or one punch man.
Thoughts on autocannon. Doing kitbashing and can’t figure out if his gun looks cool
Landraider wip
Sanguinary Guard
Looking for advice
Crimson lords had a big update. More skulls and awesome helmets. There’s more so go take a look.
You see this shit?
There's no way this is real.
My Rustic themed Stormcast
Please rate my custom sang guard pose
Anyone else notice.
Trying to find substitutes for this helmet because I can't get my hands on this kit. Is this basically just a bladeguard helmet with more flair?
What Elder scrolls dadric gods would they side with?
The True Identity of SPACE KING!
Two more hellblasters! Time for the squad to be finished
A little too hard
I’m having a friendly battle tomorrow and want to destroy my out of town friend. What is the best counter for this list?
Chestnut Chan
Anyone able to Identify this mini?
Is... that a ball sack?