Banner performance tier list [per Sensortower grossing rankings iOS] Book IX up to Mar25
Summoner Duels S 29: Hero usage stat of 140 rank 1 players
HoF Revival Event Poll 14 - Early Standings
how I be praying for robin to not be in the awakening hof so it soft confirms roy as the next emblem
Summoner Duel S and R CYL4-8 usage stat for rank 1s (August-September 2024)
Final hour, seems no one got the Multiplier
A Hero Rises 2025 Voting Gauntlet Round 1 Megathread (1/03/2025)
I'm here to deliver the latest info...stealthily, of course! According to my sources, Special Heroes hopping along in the spirit of spring will appear soon! I hope you're looking forward to meeting them! There's also a Log-In Bonus to celebrate. #FEHeroes
SDS 240225 Preliminary Data: The Not So Secret Maneuver
Who do you think is gonna be the next Legendary hero this month?
Voting Gauntlet: Desert Survivalists Megathread (1/02/2025)
Banner performance tier list [per Sensortower grossing rankings iOS] Book IX up to Feb25
Athos and Ayra gacha livecam in Japan
FEH really hitting me with a lethal dose of FE4 remake hopium this January the year of our lord 2025
Forging Bonds Revival Poll 29 - Early Standings
Really struggling with SD - any feedback on my team? (More details in comments)
Finally! I got a +10 Jehanna Ike!
Announcing the interim results for Hero Ranking by Title!
I wanted Lord Ike but this is close enough: +10 Jehanna!Ike
HoF Revival Event Poll 13 - Finalish Standings
HoF Revival Event Poll 13 - Early Standings
Arena Bonus Heroes (1/7/25 - 1/13/25)
Legendary Ike is no longer on the update screen.
SensorTower data: Android/Google Play data
Banner performance tier list [per Sensortower grossing rankings iOS] Book VIII RE-CALIBRATED