Schüttung im Altbau
Ökologischer Ausbau
Feeding the family till autumn
Unsere Lehmbude - Teil 2
On the prowl
Transition between old and new beams
Species identification on those pallets?
Lots of steel in this $14,000,000 house.
Is this a goner?
I’ve got 40k coins to burn, so I’ll give gold to everyone who comments on this post. let’s go!
What's your favorite spot on your property?
[OC] 31 Days of My (Female) Masturbation Data
Homestead friendly country?
6 months of work finally paying of!
Koch will bewussten Fleischkonsum fördern - und geht ungewöhnliche Wege: "Wer Tiere essen will, sollte sie töten können"
Unsere Streuobstwiese wird nachts zum Bahnhofsvorplatz
What animal is living under my terrace?
What holy grail food do you eat every day to stay on track?
People told me to post the gang here
Spring has finally arrived at our homestead
Spring has finally arrived at our little homestead
Chillies on legs. If I re-pot them now, can I still save them?
7 months, 60lb difference. 253 to 194. Not stopping now.
He might have married you but never doubt his priorities
How concerned would you guys be with the beam? No idea why the previous owners thought this was a good idea