I did it! 4.5 years in the making.
Severe pain days after ingestion
[gourmet] Is she ready for harvest?
Freebies from ethnobotanical vendor
Do anti-psychotics negate the effects of psychedelics?
amphetamine cake isn’t real, he cant hurt you. amphetamine cake:
How can I preserve this beautiful specimen?
Do other types of Salvia still produce the psychoactive effects?
What’s your sally pipe :)
"increases rizz" oh my god shut the fuck u
How many chemists make lsd in the world
Do your voices talk to each other?
Weed warfare? The highs and the lows.
Help! My body feels like plastic
wyd with this many seeds
Most recent hallucination?
not certain these guys aren’t in my walls after first time
Tobacco and friend
What happens if a schizophrenic took this?
this pissed me off
are here people with schizophrenia or other mental illnesses that smoked salvia?
What outdated or obsolete tech are you still using and are perfectly happy with?
Time my pen broke and all I had was a 9 volt and hot glue gun
Cigarette Butt