Meganteron vs A Giant Rhino (Rhinoceros platyrhinus) in The Siwalike Hills of Pleistocene India by Hodari Nundu
Bull shark chases Pleistocene capybara Neochoerus aesopi in Late Pleistocene Florida
Jaguar ( Panthera onca) with Mylohyus nasutus kill in Late Pleistocene Florida (My me)
Have Jaguars and Bovids had a dynamic relationship throughout history?
What do we know about the locomotion of megatherids? Did they walk like a tamandua (first one by Astrapionte) or on their knuckles? (Second one by Joschua knuppe)
Trogontherium cuvieri the eurasian giant beaver and eurasian magpie in late pleistocene central europe
Civettictis vulpidens The giant pliocene civet By Joschua knüppe
A Dingo and a Brumby (AKA Australian feral horse) warily watching each other
Homotherium serum approaching a giant anteater ( myrmecophaga tridactyla) in early pleistocene Northwestern Sonora ( by me )
Panthera atrox attacking Bison alaskensis, in late pleistocene central México by Abraham guerrero
In the late Miocene of Guanajuato, Mexico, Amphimachairodus alvarezi hunts Protherohyus brachydontus
Late Pleistocene Jaguar fossil localities
Pleistocene, historical and current range of Wolverines (Gulo gulo)
Jaguar, grey wolf, Teratornis and smilodon disputing a live Columbian mammoth ,late pleistocene la brea California by Abraham guerrero
Jaguar attempts to hunt a Shasta ground sloth In late Pleistocene Sinaloa, Mexico ( by me )
Megalonyx jeffersoni in late pleistocene northwestern Canada ( by me )
Extinct big Xenarthra from the Yucatan Peninsula, late Pleistocene ( by LADAIbarran2001 )
Jaguar approaches a dead Bison antiquus in late Pleistocene Oregon, USA
Jaguar arrives at a dead Bison antiquus in Pleistocene Oregon, USA ( by me )
How did modern bison and moose survive, while the other variants vanished?
Hystrix makapanensis and agriotherium africanum early pliocene África
Megalonyx jeffersonii , Northwestern Canada, late pleistocene
Arctodus simus subspecies: The Coastal giant short-faced bear (A. simus yukonensis) & the Inland giant short-faced bear (A. simus simus).
Rare jaguar — 'holy grail' of big cats — spotted in southern Arizona
Harpy eagle, Neochoerus aesopi and Bison antiquus in Pleistocene Chiapas, Mexico by me