My 6th pot ever...
LV help
Iron ore in my front yard!
Is there a point where you should stop mining with a hammer?
NEW SUBCLASS MORTAR SOLDIER - made by tripladevin and Agus - i esteangulador da praca - idk why its so funny but my whole body startet vibrating and got so hot from laughing we were like 6-7 doing it its CRAZY EFFECTIVE
HOW DO I USE THE MACERATOR to crush Crushed ore onagad does it Give bonus ore and i need LV output???
Basic Chemical Reactor not working
0.7.19 problems
What should we call him?
How to mine Lead safely ( use bucket and bring many into a corner faster )
I give up
Have you ever questioned how are these made?or how we/gordon use them?
Never played create its this what its used for??
is there a alternative to kaolin clay
Titanium Oxide Japanaese Tamahegane is a jojo Refference???
Why would Pochita eat the other four alternative conclusions and possibly make Death the strongest?
Update to the posers diluvian post I made
make a Quest for Coke in the book cause this Fuel is too op
I can't escape Deep bro, wtf is this?
Hero of Justice