Anyone else have one rifle they feel bad about abusing and one they beat the piss out of?
Articles about Native American code talkers removed from military websites
First BUDGET AR build how did I do????
Holy crap Liberal Gun Owners is unhinged
EXPS3-0 Am I missing something?
ULPT: If you have a Tesla, and no longer want a Tesla, there's never been a better time to commit insurance fraud.
[WTB] Weekly Want To Buy Post
Weekly Questions Thread. Please post your School, A&P Certification and Job/Career related questions here.
Charged for stealing?
We need a follow-up on this penguins of pluto situation
Is every person in this sub addicted to nicotine for the hell of it or are you all just recovering smokers
[WTB] Sig Sauer Juliet 4
GI Bill Monthly Allowance issue
That’ll really stop them
Went to my local supermarket today (Germany)
The Medal of Honor Recipient Erased in the Pentagon's DEI Purge
I'm close to release a Demo for Astoaria and I need playtesters! If you enjoy Open World Survival Crafting games hit me up I can send a key! (It's still a closed playtest)
How to fold a shirt
Pocket dump
Huxwurx Flow 556 good choice?
[Pistol] CZ P-01 9mm, $549.11 + shipping/tax
[WTB] Magpul CTR Black $40
11.5” or 16”??
What's the point of choosing an elcan that is more expensive than LPVO in the military? More Durability? Easy to use?
ELI5: If energy can’t be created or destroyed, how was energy created in the first place