Why are specific meds effective for some of us but for others are ineffective.
Daily dose of Coco! Back when he was a pup. About 3 months old 🐶
Small Floof Philosopher Ponders
Today marks 3 days of feeling good in a row in 7 years
Found out I have akathisia.
Who is the new most well known bipolar person?
You turn a corner and run right into an enemy. What weapon do you rely on to put them down?
I’m ‘Faking It’
The tide has turned
What was the longest commute you ever made for work?
Premature Aging
Its the small things
How did you reassure your Irish parents after telling them you will be going abroad?
When will the Sun come out?
Is studying in Malta a good idea
Any corporate professionals on here?
The perfect moment to have a flamethrower
I did it
Did Mania fry my brain?
Sobriety during episodes
Not using a DD for mortgage deposit savings + withdrawal implications
Imagining the future
The FG42 is nostalgic
Do most of us have to live with constant low-grade depression, euthymic or not?
Bipolar 1 & CPTSD